Are you looking for classifieds ads software scripts for your next project? You have come to the right place. A few days back, I was looking for the best-classified software for my personal project and after hours of research, I have come to a variety of choices. So, I thought why not list them for future reference.
Here is the list I have created so far. Do not forget to include your favorite one in the comments or mail me so I can add it in the list.
Open source classified ads software
The following softwares are open source and free. You can easily download them in your server, install and customize as your choice.
- OS Class:
This is the best free software you can get in the market. OS class is simple to configure and have a classic look that anyone will love. More than 50K download each month is quite a good number.
There are lots of free plugins and themes for you in the OS class directory. You can use OS Class for advertising board, job board, question and answer section and even for real estate website. Just download and install the desired theme you need. It’s that easy to install and configure.
This one is not much different from the OS Class. The coding is obviously where it stands out from other software. I am quite impressed with the admin panel and the front end demo. The default theme is also nicely optimized for any screen type. Translations available for most of the major languages.
They have a special offer with inmotion hosting that provides theme bundles valued $130.
They have a free lite version and a paid version too. Most of the cPanel have this script loaded by default. Simple, clean and easy to configure classified scripts.
Paid Classified Ads Software
Regular version updates and a good support team is it’s plus point. Oxyclassified can be anyone’s first choice. Web 2.0 styles are already loaded as the default designs. The Script is SEO friendly with all the screen sizes optimized. That means you won’t have to worry about mobile users. Language support is available and you can publish your site in more than one language.
AJ Classified is full featured software that has probably all the extensions and functionality you will ever need. It prices from $99 to $2499 depending on your license. The full feature list is here:
You can get the software for free if you are a non=profit organization.
GeoCore by Geodesic Solutions is another good software. It has good support good template designs and a huge addon base. The script runs well both in mobile devices and PC. So you need not worry about optimization. Classified or auction, you can use it for both purpose. Translation is available in more than 20 languages.
The hosted version for 68Classified is $40 and standalone version will cost you $150. This has not as much as impressive design like the oxyclass or the aj classifieds, but it will do the work if you are completely novice in web design.
You can be surprised to see this software. It’s very much customizable, looks gorgeous and attractive. The support is also first class. User registration, support board, unlimited categories, image upload etc. all that a person can need.
Great software in the competition. You can get it for $500. This license is for unlimited domains. After you see the full feature list you can’t deny their offer:
They have six predefined theme to be used. I like the feel and color of the templates. Good quality designs and awesome sells team. They have a huge list of plugins for you.
It can be surprising for you that there are so many paid classified ads listing software in the market. Very much confusing when you are choosing for the first time. I would suggest you to do some research or go with the most demanded one in your budget. You can’t say they are not good, as they serve different purposes.
You will love the interface of this software. Very much clean and attractive. If you have seen olx classified ads website, you can find similarities with that. The script is in PHP and will cost you $149 for the standard and $199 for the ultimate license.
WordPress Solution:
There isn’t much variation on WordPress for classified ads. Some plugins that are not an overall solution, but do the task to a certain level. I have also found some interesting themes and plugin combination that lets you create a classified ad site with WordPress in no time.
Classipress is first of its kind. Gorgeous outlook with all the WordPress customizability, yet a good alternative of the other classified ad script. You need to add some plugins to get the full functionality of the theme. The theme itself has most of the functions anyone will need. Responsive design makes it look attractive in mobile and other small size devices.
This theme is from inkthemes. They have a reputation of providing quality themes in affordable price. The have developer versions available and you can use it for unlimited sites. A community is also maintained to pass out important info about the development. One of your site will get unlimited lifetime update if you use the developer version.
Stand alone plugin that can be added in a WordPress Site. There are not many plugins like this, but this one will do the job for a small advertisement board. City search, PayPal integration, ad cycle and some other good options are present in it. You will not get all the options until you get the premium subscription.
There are also some other plugins free and paid for WordPress, but I do not think they are as smart as these I have described above. I am aware that these are not all the choices you can get. Let me know if I have missed any special one and I will add it in the list.

I am a Blogger and Online Marketer. I started blogging in 2006 and since then I self taught myself "how to earn a decent income from online profession".
Currently, I am working as a freelance Web Designer and Marketing Consultant.
You can contact me for a schedule. Send me an e-mail at: [email protected]
I am using Jom Classifieds very user friendly and support was excellent.
Who want the best classified script jomclassified is the right choice to find a better classified theme and have hassle free website script creation for jomclassified also with the free demo.. This theme is user friendly and easy to use..
With Free Demo :
How does OS Class – or any of these – look and function on mobile devices?
Do any of them take care of alternate screen formatting for small displays?
Depends on the theme you use. The default theme is responsive.