Content is King! There is no doubt about that.
Not only in recent years, but it has also always been a key player for decades.
But, after the recent Google updates like Panda, Penguin, and most recent updates, all were focused to kick out the low-quality content containing sites from the top of SERP. Here comes the rise of Content Marketing.
This is a vital question to ask.
All the search engines and especially Google always tries to create value for their users. When duplicate and low-quality content stays top this is not going to happen.
So, changes were needed and backlinks are not the only part that you need for SEO anymore.
So, the rise of content marketing was obvious.
From 2011 to date, a lot of changes have occurred in the SEO industry. We were busy adjusting the existing sites and pages with good quality content that put some value.
The Evolution of Content Marketing
Everyone is fighting to get into the top 10 results for their content. Keywords are getting more and more dynamic and hard to find.
By the year 2020 more and more businesses started to spend a lot on their content marketing strategies.
The following infographic from Four Dots has a timeline outlined, How the last years happened in content marketing. Not very collaborative, but gives us an overall idea of what is going to happen in the future.
The form of content is changing too. Text content is still dominating, but other forms like images, infographics, videos, slides all are now in the play.
After the rise of social media, the scenario is getting a bit complex now. People are less in searching while they find more and more on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
Fact to mention here, LinkedIn is one of the top players in Content Marketing along with Hubspot and contently.
We have a previous infographic about content marketing that helps you to understand the facts of the content marketing dilemma. Check it first.
So here we are now in 2021, Content Marketing is still the best way to gain ranking and the most important thing you need to keep an eye on.
Either you spend a lot in paid marketing or put some valuable content that helps you to gain visitors for the long term.

Is this an awareness call?
Ah… maybe. If you are not still into content marketing this might be your last chance. Content Marketing is on the rise and when you or your company is ignoring that you are denying your prosperity.
It’s science bitch!
If you do not see the results in your blogging or marketing because you were doing it all wrong.
So, what is your thought about the future?
What’s going to happen in the next 5 to 6 years? Does content is going to be still the center focus of Google’s and other search engines updates?

I am a Blogger and Online Marketer. I started blogging in 2006 and since then I self taught myself "how to earn a decent income from online profession".
Currently, I am working as a freelance Web Designer and Marketing Consultant.
You can contact me for a schedule. Send me an e-mail at: [email protected]