Mobile Web: Your Business Tool or Missed Opportunity?
Did you know that already now 15% of Internet users prefer accessing the Net through mobile devices? In recent years sales of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have been on the rise, and as the ranks of mobile web users continue to grow, they now...
Niche Selection – First Step to Blogging Profit
I have been asked several times about why one blog fails while another rises and earns a lot. This is very frustrating for a first time blogger. This problem occurs when you can't/haven't choose a profitable niche. What is a profitable niche and how to find it? I...
Can’t Open a Dat File? Here is How to Do it.
This is not a normal issue you face regularly. When someone send you a file you can see the extensions in the attachment as .jpg, .png. mkv. pdf etc. But when you see that you have an e-mail attachment from a client or friend that is showing the extension as .DAT...
Dedicated Vs. Shared Hosting
There are numerous ways to approach web hosting, yet web hosting can essentially be divided into two types - dedicated and shared. Unless a business or individual runs a sizable web operation, the dilemma of shared vs dedicated web hosting will most likely be a...
How to Open PayPal Account from Bangladesh & Use Safely
On a post of mine in this blog, I have already discussed the alternative payment methods you can use from Bangladesh. Although this is not a solution as there is no alternative to PayPal. PayPal is widely used for online business around the World. Affiliates,...
6 Online Business Software for Invoicing Solutions
Sending invoices and estimates to customers is a hassle and many entrepreneurs and small business owners are disgruntled by it. However, you can manage your invoices online with the help of a few apps which offer software for small businesses to send invoices...
6 Tips For Creating Better One-Page Websites
One-page websites take the information normally found on a multi-page site and condense it. The result is a single, attention-grabbing page that can be one of the most effective ways to attract visitors. Businesses and individuals can make use of one-page websites...
The best Ways to Market an Offline Business
With most companies finding it easier, quicker and cheaper to market themselves online, and mostly finding a vast and responsive audience awaiting them in cyberspace, it is quite hard to know how to promote a business that is predominately offline and out in the...
Using Foursquare to Promote Your Business
Geo-targeting social media apps such as Foursquare are quickly becoming one of the best ways a business can promote its products or services. Foursquare allows users to “check-in” to a business and share their location with their friends through the social media...
Grow Your Real Estate Business With Pinterest
Pinterest is a social media website where users share their favorite images from around the web with their followers. Rather than using words to express themselves, Pinterest users use images and photographs instead. Like other forms of social media, Pinterest...