There are already more than 2 billion people on this planet that are using Facebook. This is a massive amount of people for any single country or locality.
These days, Facebook has the power to manipulate almost every aspect of human life. It can be social, political or religious, you just name it.
If we talk about business, Facebook has more potential customers base than any other online venture.
It has just created a huge market globally. The market for information like Music, Reviews, Public Opinion, Pictures, Videos etc.
Some organization now have their 50-70 customers regularly just via the Facebook system.
People on a consumer level love to review things they liked in the real world. Like food in a restaurant or a place they visited. What can be easier than just snap and post it on Facebook from their mobile?
If you are a business owner who has products for consumer level, you have a great potential to market your product via Facebook. It all depends on the business model you are in.
Facebook can be the perfect marketing platform for a variety of different businesses, and authors are one of the businesses that can benefit.
Although many authors may not initially think of themselves as a business, or of running their own company. But, the fact is they need to market themselves as they want to make a profit from their writings. It means they are actually running a business and writing is their product.
Therefore, using Facebook is a good idea. Here are some of the reasons why as an author you should get your business marketing to Facebook.
You can grow your email list
Having an email list that you can send out information to, press releases, news about your new and upcoming books, and events is important when you’re an author.
If you want people to come to your book signings and give them tasters of your new writing, it’s the ideal way to do it.
Facebook is a great tool to use when it comes to persuading people to sign up to your list or newsletter. You can remind them how to do it with links, or ask them to get in touch without being overly obtrusive.
You can target whoever you want to, and gather together a long list of names and email addresses for your marketing purposes.
Once you have this information, you’ll need to check out this guide from Secure Data Recovery about data storage to ensure it is all kept safe and secure.
Sell your books
Of course, what an author really needs to do if they are hoping to make any money from their writing is to sell their books.
Facebook is a way that you can do this directly. You might want to create a shop, or you could simply utilize your Facebook author page to do the job for you. For authors, simply posting a link to their book and hoping people will buy it doesn’t work too well. What really works is not ‘selling’ the book at all, but selling yourself instead.
If you can project a happy, pleasant persona through your Facebook page and if you interact well with people who engage with you, then your books will sell. It is better to concentrate on yourself as a brand rather than the books themselves.
Gain likes and positivity
The more likes you have on your Facebook page, the more people will see it. So, if you can create posts that brings people to your page on a regular basis, you will be doing well.
Another benefit of this is that your page will grow organically; you won’t have to pay for additional advertising fees. When you are just starting your business, any kind of money saving is important.
A Facebook page for an author, with some positive reviews from the readers can save a lot of your advertising money.
Use Facebook Live for readers interaction
The relatively new Facebook live feature is a fantastic one for authors to use.
You can truly interact with your audience, and they can get to know you as a person, rather than ‘just’ the author of books they hopefully enjoy. The live function also means you can read your work aloud and really give people an insight into what your newest book is all about, and why they might enjoy it.
Or you can do a question and answer session to give people even more information.
So, everything is about gaining people’s love and trust in Facebook. As an author you can just imagine how sky rocket you popularity can reach via Facebook tools.

I am a Blogger and Online Marketer. I started blogging in 2006 and since then I self taught myself "how to earn a decent income from online profession".
Currently, I am working as a freelance Web Designer and Marketing Consultant.
You can contact me for a schedule. Send me an e-mail at: [email protected]