Choosing a web host for personal or business site sometimes get difficult. It might be because you are new or you have many too many choices in front of you.
There are many things to consider when renting / buying a hosting service for the first time. Nowadays people have become very choosy and the webmasters are also aware of the fact that “a good hosting is needed to create a better site”.

Things to consider…
There are several things to keep in mind, but I can list the major four things I always consider before buying a new hosting package.
01. What is your need?
I mean what kind of site you are going to run and for that how much space and bandwidth you must have?
Determining your initial usage will save your money. If you do not need bigger hosting plan then go for a smaller one. Most of the web hosting companies have options to upgrade later.
02. What is the uptime?
Though all of the web host company says that they will give you 99% to 100% up time, but in reality, it is not possible. Several limiting factors like CPU usage, RAM and server upgradations plays a vital role in your hosting environment.
This is the most important issue I always face for my sites or client sites. You bought a host and the review was good before you bought, but when you started to use the hosting…. dah… It is not working as it was promised.
Most of the time you will get an option to get a refund if you leave the hosting within the first month. Do not stay if you do not like the speed and uptime of your newly bought hosting.
03. How much is your budget?
This thing shouldn’t come in your mind when you are looking for a great hosting for your website.
For a business or e-commerce site, ‘Hosting Budget’ should not be a problem. When you are in a business where your website speed, uptime and capacity defines how much sell you will make, then you should spend as much as it needs to get the best hosting servers.
04. Unlimited plan?
An unlimited plan seems good and looks great on the hosting panel. But ask yourself, do you need an unlimited plan from a cheap host or getting an affordable limited plan from a good hosting is better?
So there are points to be noted when choosing a host for the first time. As a matter of business, you should never choose cheap or bad hosting to create your online presence. But things are complicated now. A lot of good hosting companies are there in the market and you have to choose from them.
My personal opinion is to read and search the rankings of each host before you buy. Customer reviews are a good thing to learn about the hosts. Let me name you about some of the top class hostings I have used in the past years.
01. Just Host: You might have heard their name. They are new in the web hosting industry but giving top quality services to the customers. Monthly 2.50 dollar is their lowest introductory offer. You can give them a try if you are on a tight budget. Affordable and quality can be assured. You will get a $100 advertisement credit when you sign up a new account. The annoying thing is the server speed.
02. Host Monster: The last time I checked they have a special promo of $5.95 per month hosting. You will get $75 advertisement credit from them.
03. Host Gator: They are the most renowned company I think. Most of the bloggers like their hosting as they have some special optimizations for the WordPress. Maybe a little bit costly than just host but they are recommended by the most of the blogger.
04. Blue Host: This is another one of the hostings I think affordable and have worth to spend the money. Their uptime and unlimited features seem reliable to me. Read my in-depth review about them.
05. SiteGround: SG is my personal favorite now. There shared plan is perfect for any startup business. I started using SiteGround last year for a project. I was astonished by their FTP speed and uptime at the given price.
The better thing of siteground is you can choose region based server and that doubles up your site speed. Here, read the detailed review of siteground on marketever.
These are the hosts I would recommend for any small and medium size business. Obviously, there are other players and I think you should check before making any decision.
So let me know what is your choice for a good host? What are you using lately?

I am a Blogger and Online Marketer. I started blogging in 2006 and since then I self taught myself "how to earn a decent income from online profession".
Currently, I am working as a freelance Web Designer and Marketing Consultant.
You can contact me for a schedule. Send me an e-mail at: [email protected]
My favorite web hosting choice is SiteGround too. It is amazing features and speed for newbies, the best choice for starting online stores and businesses. You can find its review here